Nama : Jekmal Malau. S.Si.,M.Si
Bidang Ilmu : Microbiology (culture and genetic engineering of microbes; Microbial exploration, PGPR), Molecular marker development and application in halal authentication, agriculture and diagnostic purposes, Biomolecular technique for genomic,transcriptomic and proteomic analysis, Bioinformatics (assay development)
Email : jmalaoe@gmail.com
Keterangan : Jekmal Malau adalah seorang praktisi dibidang bioteknologi dan biologi molekuler. Saat ini aktif bekerja sebagai Senior Application Scientist dan juga Science Consultant di dua perusahaaan swasta di Indonesia.
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Detail Informasi
Jekmal Malau menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana biologi di Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, tahun 2012. Kemudian pada tahun 2015 beliau menyelesaikan program pascasarjana dibidang biologi molekuler dan bioteknologi IPB University. Beliau bekerja sebagai Field Application Scientist, PT Enigma Saintia Solusindo sejak Desember 2015- Juli 2018. Pada tahun yang sama beliau juga bergabung di PT Sciencewerke (Agustus 2018- sekarang) sebagai Senior Application Scientist. Disela-sela pekerjaannya, pada Desember 2019- Maret 2021 beliau juga aktif berbagi ilmu sebagai pengajar kelas online INBIO Indonesia. Sebagai seorang profesional saat ini beliau juga bekerja sebagai Science Consultant didivisi biomolekuler DNA Sexing CV Gelora Mandiri. Dalam perjalanan karirnya tidak sedikit training yang diperoleh untuk menunjang performa dalam bekerja. Sejumlah training baik didalam dan luar negri dari perusahaan bioteknologi dunia telah diikutinya seperti, Thermofisher Scientific USA, Bio-Rad laboratoris USA, Seegene Korea, Abbott Molecular Singapore, MGI-BGI China dan masih banyak yang lain. Dalam aktivitas bekerja beliau berpengalaman dalam membantu para peneliti dan dosen serta mahasiswa dalam melakukan penelitian yang berhubungan dengan teknik mikrobiologi, biomolekuler dan bioinformatik. Beberapa diantaranya adalah:
- Invitro and Invivo Test of Potential Bacteria; a Challenging Strategy to Find-out Biological Control Agent in Fish Diseases (Supported by BKIPM Medan and North Sumatra University)
- Isolation and Identification of Antagonistic Bacteria in Suppressing Ganoderma Boninense In-vitro. (Supported by PT. Wilmar Benih Indonesia and IPB University)
- Construction of Antifungal Biosynthesis Mutants of Burkholderia gladioli Employing Transposon Mutagenesis. (Supported by PT. Wilmar Benih Indonesia and IPB University)
- Cloning and Identification of Mini-Tn5 Flanking DNA Fragment in a Knock out Anti-Fungal Mutant of Burkholderia gladioli K498. (Supported by PT. Wilmar Benih Indonesia and IPB University)
- Identification of Burkholderia gladioli JR01 Potential Gene Involved in Antifungal Compound Production (Supported by PT. Wilmar Benih Indonesia and IPB University)
- Assay Probe-based Optimization for Pork Detection Employing Real-Time PCR (Supported by PT. Enigma Saintia Solusindo)
- Development of Cost-efficient Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura using Real-Time PCR Binding-based dye (Supported by PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Comparison of Two DNA Extraction Methods for Pork Detection on Animal Feed Samples Employing Real-Time PCR (Supported by PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Comparison of Three DNA Extraction Methods using Real-Time PCR Approach for Quantification of Host cell E. coli Residual DNA on Pharmaceutical Product (Supported by PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Application of Four Different Primer Sets for Birds DNA Sexing (Supported by: CV. Gelora Mandiri)
- Methods Optimization for DNA Extraction of Liquid sugar for detection of Salmonella spp and Coliform Bacteria Employing Real-Time PCR (Supported by PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Optimization and Evaluation of Evagreen-based Real-Time PCR assay for Plasmodium spp. Detection (Supported by Eijkman Institute and PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Analysis of CNV on Plasmepsin II Gene of Plasmodium falcifarum from Dry Blood Cell Employing Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR). (Supported by Eijkman Institute and PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Development of Assay for Plasmodium spp. Quantification using Droplet Digital PCR (Supported by Eijkman Institute and PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Development and Validation of Biomolecular PCR-Based Methods for Microbes Quantification on Liquid Sugar (Supported by PT Sugar Labinta and PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)
- Detection and Quantification of Porcine by Real-Time PCR and Digital PCR (ddPCR) using Probe-based Assay(Supported by SNSU-BSN Lab and PT. Sciencewerke Indonesia)