Nama : David Agustriawan, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Bidang Ilmu : databases and programming courses such as SQL server, C++ programming, Internet programming and data structure , applied in cancer epigenetics, medical informatics, NGS data analysis, Big data, and bioinformatics
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Keterangan : David Agustriawan worked as a research assistant in a research project under Dr. Victor KOK at Kuang Tian Hospital Taiwan. The result of the research is submitted to the international journal and get published at 2015. Kok VC, Tsai HJ, Su CF, Lee CK. The risks for ovarian, endometrial, breast, colorectal, and other cancers in women with newly diagnosed endometriosis or adenomyosis: a population-based study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 25.6: 968-976 2015. In the acknowledgment, the authors stated that David Agustriawan conducted administrative and technical support (Journal paper).
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Detail Informasi
David Agustriawan, Ph.D. is an Indonesian national. He obtained a full scholarship for master and PhD degree both at Asia University Taiwan. He received his PhD in Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering in 2017.