Modification and Prediction 3D structure of protein

Asrul Fanani, M.Si

POC 121
Higher Education

26 Students Enrolled

Harga Course

Min. requirements

Course Overview

This course is designed to explore advanced techniques and methodologies involved in the modification and prediction of three-dimensional protein structures. Participants will delve into the principles and tools used to manipulate and optimize protein structures, including homology modeling, loop modeling, structure refinement, and protein-ligand interactions. Through a combination of theoretical lectures and practical sessions, participants will gain hands-on experience in predicting protein structures, understanding conformational changes, and evaluating the stability and function of modified protein models. Additionally, the course will cover the application of computational methods and software in analyzing, visualizing, and validating modified protein structures, empowering participants to contribute to cutting-edge research in structural biology, drug discovery, and protein engineering.


  • Introduction to Protein Structure
  • Bioinformatics Tools
  • Protein Structure Prediction
  • 3D Protein Tools
  • Simulation Prediction of Protein Structure
  • Protein Structure Analysis

Course Components

Video Quiz Modul Whatsapp Group